Two Things To Consider Before Doing Your Online Workout

A lot of training has moved online (no surprise there), but before you jump into your online workout consider these two things.

So I wanted to post something a little different today.


Since in-person personal training has been hit so hard with the current situation we are in, I am sure you are seeing a lot of trainers trying to move their business online.


You might see them offering online programs, virtual sessions, etc. - and this is all great.  I have done both in-person training as well as online training for some time now.


In fact, in-person training ALONG with online training - in my opinion - is the most effective route for any person looking to see results with their health and fitness.


But seeing as how in-person training is not an option at this time, online training has become much more prevalent.


With that being said, many fitness professionals are posting workouts (myself included) recommending exercises without any real context or method for progression or regression.


While I am never against anyone trying to do an exercise (especially unloaded - without the use of weights) there are a few things you might want to keep in mind.

Do No Harm

Many of us are at home now, due to this pandemic, with a lot more time on our hands than we are used to.


So you might be thinking now might be a good time to start exercising, which is great!  




...if you’re trying a new exercise and hurts - and not in the “muscle-burning because it’s working” way - but because it’s painful...STOP.


The first rule of training is DO NO HARM.


Part of working with a trainer is so they can modify exercises to illicit the same training effect while keeping you out of any unnecessary pain.


If you are experiencing pain while exercising STOP and try to find a different variation, and this is something I plan on addressing as a series of posts to come.

Slow is Better. Less is More.

I see a lot of trainers recommending high-intensity interval training, which is fine, but if you are new to training this is probably not going to end well for you.


You will most likely end up feeling sick, due to exercise sickness, or worse.


You are better off starting slow, doing less, and then working up from there.


Just to give you some context.  I am an experienced trainee and even I take my time reacclimating to training after an extended break.


And contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to obliterate yourself in order to get a good workout in.


Now, in the spirit of helping you modify your training with various types of exercise, I want to start today with lunge variations. 

Split Squat w/ Isometric Hold

This is typically where I will begin a new client when it comes to single-leg training.


This will help you get accustomed to the stage of the exercise which tends to feel the hardest, the bottom position (besides balance).


Get yourself into what is referred to as a 90/90, or half-kneeling position and try to lift yourself just above the ground 2 to 3 inches.  Hold this position for anywhere from three to five seconds.


You can perform these as reps for as many sets and reps you are comfortable with.


This is would be considered the first stage of a lunge.

Play Video

Split Squat

The basic split squat builds on the iso hold variation by adding movement, making it more dynamic and challenging to your sense of balance.

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Reverse Lunge

The reverse lunge is the next progression because it adds an element of deceleration while mitigating the amount of stress placed on the knee.


Bodyweight exercises, in general, tend to be the first choice for preparing tendons and ligaments to endure larger amounts of stress, along with contributing to overall strength.

Play Video

Forward Lunge

Foward lunging tends to be the last “basic” form of lunging because of the additional stress it can place on the knee.

Play Video

Now, with that being said you SHOULD NEVER be scared of trying an exercise for fear of injuring yourself.  


Because we are all highly adaptable and so are our bodies.  We are not as fragile as many trainers might have you believe.


Of course, there is a bit of common sense involved here.  Meaning, if it looks sketchy, or you feel sketchy trying to do it, then maybe you need to regress it a little bit to master more fundamental skills.


And to speak to the point of injury - unfortunately, it is a part of training.  Most trainers won’t want to say that, but it’s the truth. 


I have not met ONE TRAINER or ATHLETE that has NOT hurt themselves during training.  It’s just part of the game.  


We do our best to mitigate the incidence of injury or lessen the severity of it, but it is something that is inevitable.


So you should take some solace in the fact that it happens to the best of us, and it’s not a reason to stop being physically active, and it should not impede you from starting.

I plan on doing a series of posts helping you understand and learn some different ways you can modify and progress many of the exercises you might see with online training programs, this way you have at least some sense of how YOU might be able to modify them to suit your needs.  


If you have an exercise you would like me to write about specifically let me know on my Facebook Page.


Thanks!  See you soon!

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