What is a Target Set?

(slides are best viewed on your phone)

A target set is a performance indicator that informs us when we may need to increase the load or change our training strategy.  It also ensures that you are using sufficient loads to create a stimulus.


We use “target sets” in conjunction with RIR, RPE, readiness score, and session difficulty to assess what needs to occur for us to continue to make progress.


Your objective is to complete the target set(s) with a given exercise.  Once the target set(s) have been completed, if there are any remaining sets you can do as few or as many reps as you like to complete your designated sets.


When attempting to complete a target set, there will usually be specific parameters you need to adhere to for it to count. These parameters will be specified in your instructions.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out anytime. Until then, happy training!

What Does it Mean to Increase Total Reps?

What is an Honest Fail During Exercise?

What is a Deload?

What is “RIR”- Reps in Reserve?